Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"Poe Thoughts"

 Based on my understanding, I think that Edgar Allan Poe was a very weird man, and something that I learned about him is how he lost his mother, his sister, and his wife because of tuberculosis. He might had been inspired by that and based on the life he lived, he wrote many creepy stories and 3 of them that we read in class are called: The Mask of The Red Death, Tell-Tale Heart, and The Raven. 

   He is a very interesting man and the good things about his writings is that they capture our attention and we have english literature that is interesting and very creative.Edgar Poe was born  in virginia I think, he suffered a lot because most of his family died from desease and he had been alone most of his life time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe

January 19, 1809- October 7, 1849
He wrote literature, poet, and did a literature work:
Macabre --gruesome and horrifying; ghastly; horrible.

  • Parents died when he was 3
  • Orphaned
  • Failed to be successful in college/military
  • Married his young cousin ( true love)
  • Wife died after he became successful
  • He died shortly after (mysterious death)
  • Poor his entire life
1 What I think about the story by the reading the title is: it talks about, love, and it's full of mystery because you can't tell a lot from the title.

2 I think the narrator is talking to somebody that is by him side like a person or an animal.

3 The work is that he is going to kill him.

4 He  is not scared about what he might  think  what the old man can do.

5 Yes, I would like to change the prediction of the story because what I first thought is wrong.

6 The heart he is hearing it's his own heart.

7 Officers of the police where at the door.

What makes the story creepy that I like it?
I like this story because it is very mysterious and it is just nonsense that the man wanted to kill the old man just because of his eye. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Solider's Dilemma

1 Dillon Should not shoot the woman, because he doesn't know if she is an innocent women or if she is a terrorist, I think the right thing for Dillon to do is to keep the woman in sight and if he does not see the woman he should scream at the soldiers and tell them that there is a woman hiding.
I disagree with the Sergeant Johnson because if there are some people that are innocent they should not be killed and he should investigate first if they really are terrorists and if they are he should capture them, but not kill them.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Politics have been around long time ago  and because of that many political parties are form where candidates argue about certain issues. I think it is good to have certain type of government  to guide every nation, even though they make promises that might never be fulfill for me I think politics are good to encourage the people  and see that there is a better place to live, but sometimes the candidates talk about things to help the people but they never do it, so I think political parties are good as long as they respect the public and themselves to show a good example for society

Friday, October 12, 2012

Shakespeare First Thoughts

Shakespeare was born in 1564 during the middle ages, he lived in england, he married at the age of 18 married Anna Halfway. He gave presentations in theaters, he was honored by many people.
 He wrote the finest poems in english, he was a poet and play-wrote, he wrote for the poor and the rich. In 1599 he created a company called Glove, he brings out emotion and drama he died in 1616. He is very famous I think he is smart and wise

Monday, October 1, 2012

Freewrite critical thinking

To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail.-Abraham Maslow

You try to form your world around you just with what you got, you are bias, If you're open minded you have more options, if you only have one tool you are going to work or do the job just with that tool.